Experimental Sermons
Experimental Sermons Podcast
Unfinished Work

Unfinished Work

Cross and crown go together

Christ inaugurates the day when all creation is set free from futility. Christ's resurrection means that a redeeming force and people are now at work in history. Christ's people are set free — unleashed — to be effective in all aspects of life. Many will argue that human nature is changeable. Paul says it is not, except when it is Christ Jesus who effects the change.

Preached on July 23, 2023 at St. Peter’s Lithgow, Millbrook, New York.

Proper 11 - Year A
Romans 8:12-25

Questions for reflection and discussion:

1.       The 20th century saw a debate among social engineers that pitted ____________ vs. ____________.

2.       Both the naturalist and the environmentalist believe that human nature is ____________.

3.       How is man’s plight an example of “nature”?

4.       How is man’s plight an example of “nurture” or “environment”?

5.       As a result of Adam’s sin, creation is subject to ____________.

6.       Creation is waiting for the revealing of the ____________.

7.       Explain what is meant by “natural religion.”

8.       Paul is deeply offended by ____________.

9.       Paul’s gospel teaches that death is not ____________.

10.    Explain why the rest of creation resents the human race.

11.    Christ’s resurrection means that a redeeming force and people are now at work in ____________.

12.    Explain how cross and crown go together.

Parents and Grandparents, you are responsible to apply God’s Word to your children’s lives. Here is some help. Young Children – draw a picture about something you hear during the sermon. Explain your picture(s) to your parents or the minister after church. Older Children – Do one or more of the following: 1) Count how many times “creation” and “futility” are mentioned. 2) Discuss with your parents why it’s important for leaders to be humble.

(1) nature/nurture; (2) changeable; (3) his flesh is destined to die; (4) man inherits a degraded environment and his personality, relationships, and work are twisted and warped by it; (5) futility or decay; (6) children of God; (7) a religion that accounts for death as part of the “cycle of life”; (8) death; (9) natural; (10) creation is subject to decay and futility because of Adam’s sin; (11) history; (12) by sharing in Christ’s suffering we are made fit to rule creation with Him in glory


Experimental Sermons
Experimental Sermons Podcast
The Puritans called their preaching "experimental" not because they were trying new things in the pulpit, but because they wanted to be tested and proven by the Word of God.