Meanwhile there are now well over 30,000 different and differing Christian denominations, sects and sub-sects in the world, thousands of which are in the US. All of which are in one way or another competing for market share in the market place of whats-in-it-for-me consumerist religion.
There are now more Christians in the world than ever before both in total numbers and as a percentage of humankind altogether, and yet the human world is becoming more and more insane every day.
Meanwhile there are now well over 30,000 different and differing Christian denominations, sects and sub-sects in the world, thousands of which are in the US. All of which are in one way or another competing for market share in the market place of whats-in-it-for-me consumerist religion.
There are now more Christians in the world than ever before both in total numbers and as a percentage of humankind altogether, and yet the human world is becoming more and more insane every day.